Welcome! My name is Stephanie Kraft and I am the creator of Radiant Sun Botanicals. This company celebrates the wonderfully healing botanicals that Earth provides. I spent many months researching the best botanical oils, butters and essential oils from around the world to find the most healing and nourishing products to use in my creations. I have sourced the most luxurious exotic butters and oils and developed my formulations to bring them to you at the most affordable prices. I can assure you that these products are of the highest quality. I spent many months testing and re-formulating my blends to make sure they are of the most luscious and delectable quality that you will want to use on yourself and loved ones.
As a natural born energy healer, I have a gift. I have chosen to share this gift of high vibrational energy healing with everyone who uses my products. I have infused each one with healing energy and love. Additionally, you may choose to add some personalized healing for your specific issues. You can read more about that option in the store. To learn more about this healing energy, read here.
A little more about me...
I was born and raised in Washington, DC and currently live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Central Virginia.
I have a Master's of Science in Health Promotion Management, and am Certified as a Health Coach, Master Hypnotherapist, Astrologer, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Energy Healer, Sound Healer, Crystal Healer, ThetaHealer, and IET Master and Instructor, among many other things. I have been studying nutrition, natural healing, essential oils, and mind-body-spirt medicine for over 30 years.
The story goes even deeper...
There is a very special story about how I started making my whipped body butters, which were the first products in my line. One day in December 2015, I was shopping online for personal care products such as shampoo and toothpaste when I came across a body cream with the words "soufflé" and "orange" and I was immediately intrigued. First let me say that I never bought body lotion for myself, since it's just not something I ever used. So, for me to even click on this product was unusual, but I am telling you, those words soufflé and orange were just so captivating to me that day for some reason. This product sounded so luscious and delicious that I had to check it out. As I always do, I read the ingredient list. What was listed there was chemical after chemical and I said, "No way." I avoid chemicals as much as possible and I am extremely sensitive, so there was no way I was going to put any of that stuff on my skin. So, I just ordered my regular supplies. But that orange soufflé cream kept coming back into my mind over the next few days. It just wouldn't leave me. I even went back to that site a few days later to check the ingredient list again just to see if it was something I could put on my skin, but when I checked it again, those same chemicals were there! Darn it! I was disappointed. My obsession was weird because, as I said, I didn't ever use lotion or cream. Then, I had a huge ah-ha moment! Maybe I could make it myself! I went online and did a search and found out about something unbelievably luscious looking called whipped body butter. I. Fell. In. Love. I saw pictures with what looked like whipped cream! I wanted to eat it. I was drooling. I knew I couldn't eat it, but the texture was so captivating... I just HAD to make some. So, on Christmas - December 25, 2015, I made my first whipped body butter with Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils, which seemed apropos for that day.
When I was hit with the idea of making homemade whipped body butter, along with it came the ideas for the entire body care product line. I was being Divinely Inspired...meaning that all of it was coming to me from someplace higher than my own mind. Pretty soon, I had to get a notebook and take pages of notes of ideas and information that was streaming in in the form of recipes, essential oil combinations, product ideas, names of products, company names, branding and packaging ideas, and how I was going to launch my new company. It all came streaming in so fast almost as one unit - the whole thing at once. It was given to me as a gift that I am sharing with the world.
I called up one of my best friends and told her all about my new endeavor and how it came about. She said, "Stephanie, do you remember the hypnosis session I had with you about one and a half years ago?" This is when it got crazy amazing!!! I did remember the session when she mentioned it, but I had not thought of it before. I had done a Life Between Lives hypnotherapy session (I am a Hypnotherapist) with her in which she was taken into her soul state in the afterlife. While under hypnosis, her Soul was speaking through her and told me that I was going to be rubbing something with "golden healing energy" on people's arms. She said it contained a "Golden Energy" and that it was "part of my healing work." She said, "It's going to heal people." As she reminded me about that part and I remembered it, my jaw dropped and I was stunned. In complete honesty, during her session I told her, "Ha! I have no idea what your Soul is referring to as I don't ever see myself rubbing anything on people's arms!" I blew it off and forgot all about it.
Sometimes life has other plans for us...
It seems that this idea really did come from my Soul... I know that I am being guided every step of the way and I am listening.
It is interesting to note that before this homemade whipped body butter idea came into my mind, I had never had any inclination whatsoever to make any homemade body care products. I figured I could go online and buy the lovely products that other beautiful souls were making when I wanted to purchase all natural products. I never considered that I would be one of them.
This story is one of the reasons I think this line of body care products is pretty amazing! I am utilizing Earth's most precious and healing botanicals and it is a totally spiritually guided process. Sometimes life can be so much fun!
I really hope you love my products as much as I do.
Much love,
PS: I have also discovered a miraculous healing tool that I believe everyone should have. If you are curious about it, you can learn more HERE.
As a natural born energy healer, I have a gift. I have chosen to share this gift of high vibrational energy healing with everyone who uses my products. I have infused each one with healing energy and love. Additionally, you may choose to add some personalized healing for your specific issues. You can read more about that option in the store. To learn more about this healing energy, read here.
A little more about me...
I was born and raised in Washington, DC and currently live in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Central Virginia.
I have a Master's of Science in Health Promotion Management, and am Certified as a Health Coach, Master Hypnotherapist, Astrologer, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Energy Healer, Sound Healer, Crystal Healer, ThetaHealer, and IET Master and Instructor, among many other things. I have been studying nutrition, natural healing, essential oils, and mind-body-spirt medicine for over 30 years.
The story goes even deeper...
There is a very special story about how I started making my whipped body butters, which were the first products in my line. One day in December 2015, I was shopping online for personal care products such as shampoo and toothpaste when I came across a body cream with the words "soufflé" and "orange" and I was immediately intrigued. First let me say that I never bought body lotion for myself, since it's just not something I ever used. So, for me to even click on this product was unusual, but I am telling you, those words soufflé and orange were just so captivating to me that day for some reason. This product sounded so luscious and delicious that I had to check it out. As I always do, I read the ingredient list. What was listed there was chemical after chemical and I said, "No way." I avoid chemicals as much as possible and I am extremely sensitive, so there was no way I was going to put any of that stuff on my skin. So, I just ordered my regular supplies. But that orange soufflé cream kept coming back into my mind over the next few days. It just wouldn't leave me. I even went back to that site a few days later to check the ingredient list again just to see if it was something I could put on my skin, but when I checked it again, those same chemicals were there! Darn it! I was disappointed. My obsession was weird because, as I said, I didn't ever use lotion or cream. Then, I had a huge ah-ha moment! Maybe I could make it myself! I went online and did a search and found out about something unbelievably luscious looking called whipped body butter. I. Fell. In. Love. I saw pictures with what looked like whipped cream! I wanted to eat it. I was drooling. I knew I couldn't eat it, but the texture was so captivating... I just HAD to make some. So, on Christmas - December 25, 2015, I made my first whipped body butter with Frankincense and Myrrh essential oils, which seemed apropos for that day.
When I was hit with the idea of making homemade whipped body butter, along with it came the ideas for the entire body care product line. I was being Divinely Inspired...meaning that all of it was coming to me from someplace higher than my own mind. Pretty soon, I had to get a notebook and take pages of notes of ideas and information that was streaming in in the form of recipes, essential oil combinations, product ideas, names of products, company names, branding and packaging ideas, and how I was going to launch my new company. It all came streaming in so fast almost as one unit - the whole thing at once. It was given to me as a gift that I am sharing with the world.
I called up one of my best friends and told her all about my new endeavor and how it came about. She said, "Stephanie, do you remember the hypnosis session I had with you about one and a half years ago?" This is when it got crazy amazing!!! I did remember the session when she mentioned it, but I had not thought of it before. I had done a Life Between Lives hypnotherapy session (I am a Hypnotherapist) with her in which she was taken into her soul state in the afterlife. While under hypnosis, her Soul was speaking through her and told me that I was going to be rubbing something with "golden healing energy" on people's arms. She said it contained a "Golden Energy" and that it was "part of my healing work." She said, "It's going to heal people." As she reminded me about that part and I remembered it, my jaw dropped and I was stunned. In complete honesty, during her session I told her, "Ha! I have no idea what your Soul is referring to as I don't ever see myself rubbing anything on people's arms!" I blew it off and forgot all about it.
Sometimes life has other plans for us...
It seems that this idea really did come from my Soul... I know that I am being guided every step of the way and I am listening.
It is interesting to note that before this homemade whipped body butter idea came into my mind, I had never had any inclination whatsoever to make any homemade body care products. I figured I could go online and buy the lovely products that other beautiful souls were making when I wanted to purchase all natural products. I never considered that I would be one of them.
This story is one of the reasons I think this line of body care products is pretty amazing! I am utilizing Earth's most precious and healing botanicals and it is a totally spiritually guided process. Sometimes life can be so much fun!
I really hope you love my products as much as I do.
Much love,
PS: I have also discovered a miraculous healing tool that I believe everyone should have. If you are curious about it, you can learn more HERE.
Read what people are saying about the products.